Earning on Faseha.com is Easy!

  1. Create a Free Account
    Sign up for a free account and start inviting friends. You can share your unique affiliate link or your Faseha.com content on Facebook to increase engagement.

  2. Reach 500 Followers
    Once you reach 500 followers, you can request profile verification.

  3. Monetize Your Content
    After verification, you can start monetizing your photos, videos, status updates, articles, messages, and even video/audio calls.

  4. Upgrade to Pro for Instant Access
    By upgrading to a Pro account, you can bypass the follower requirement. Request profile verification right away and start monetizing instantly!


  1. How to Earn Points
  2. How to Earn Affiliate Commissions
  3. How to Enable Content Monetization
  4. How to Post Monetized Content
  5. Profile Verification Requirements
  6. Monetized Content Guidelines
  7. Payment Withdrawal Policy